Thursday, 29 December 2011

Thou Shalt Never irritate a woman...

Thou Shalt Never irritate a woman, who can operate a backhoe...

Thus endeth the lesson. 
 Women are Angels...and when someone breaks their wings...
they simply continue to fly....on a broomstick...They are flexible like that...

Monday, 26 December 2011

Born of Hope and The Hunt for Gollum.

As a LOTR and Tolkien fan I think "Born of Hope" and "The Hunt for Gollum" are great fun. I just wish I had seen them before. I guess that's what happen when you spend too much time under rocks. Both films are from 2009 so that I've missed them are so not cool. Still, they are
and they are free to watch online. Can't get much better than free ... just sayin'... 

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Yeah, I hate Christmas and all that...

But I still think it's a good time to crawl out from under my rock and show some proof of live. My new doctor, good as she is, is also a bit crazy and she's removed all my candy, uhm, my painkillers. I hate that more than I hate Christmas but I do see why I have to go through this shit. The drugs are abusing my heart just a bit too much for comfort. I'm not ready to kick the bucket no matter how much this life annoys me at times.

Yeah, if you've emailed me and is hoping for an answer... don't get your hopes up. I trashes all what was in my mailbox. If it's really important just send me a now mail, and pray to what ever alien you worship. It might work.

A Christmas scam ... please don't fall for this.