1. I'm an introvert, paranoid social phobic that avoid people as best as I can. There is nothing in this world that I fear more than I fear other humans. There is no other creature in this world (that I know of) that lie, cheat, deceive, torture and kill for their own pleasure.
2. I'm married and have children. I'm not sure how in the world that happened but it is a fact.
3. I live with chronic pain, lots of it. Some days I barely manage to crawl out of bed, other days I'm feeling better and I rush around doing all the things I haven't done on my bad days. That of course leads to more pain and another series of bad days.
4. People often call me "brutally honest" and they assume that I'm a very honest person. That's not true, I lie just as often as any normal person does.
5. If reincarnation was real then I'd be reincarnated as an encyclopedia of trivial facts. My brain is a sponge that sucks up all kinds of useless information and store it to be used in the absolutely incorrect situations.
6. I believe that there is more to the human mind as well as all things around us than people in general acknowledge, there is something "greater" than what we have the ability to understand. It's natural, it's part of us and the world and it's not supernatural or god like, but it's still more than we can phantom with our childish and under developed minds.
7. I've been writing stories since I learned how to write, this far I've never finished any of the stories I like to tell the most. I have them all within me, I sometimes start to write them down and then... I stop. In the dark corners of my mind they are shimmering and precious gems, but in reality they are trolls and they turn to grey and dull stones once I bring them out into daylight.
8. I'm a cynic, I don't think there are any selfless people in this world. People don't do things without getting a "reward" of some kind, no matter how much they claim to have done it for selfless reasons. That the "reward" is personal and emotional in a "feel good" way doesn't make it any less of a reward.
9. I have the kind of PMS that's spawned from hell and once a month I turn into a rabid monster. It's so bad that I've been medicating for it for years to make sure that I don't do serious harm to anyone. People who claim that PMS isn't real and that it's just an excuse for women to behave badly should all go to hell. Sure, there are people who lie about all kinds of things to get some sort of advantage, but that doesn't mean that all people lie about it.
10. I belong to the 19% of all women that think about sex several times a day. (Compared to 54% of the men.) I've actually found that statistic through Google, I've never met a woman like me and I somehow doubt that there are that many of us.
11. I'm a Skeptic. We as humans are simply to limited too be able to have real, full and true knowledge about anything. The world and universe around us are simply to complex for us to be able to comprehend even small parts of it all to the fullest. We can at best claim to have some understanding, but never full knowledge.
12. I'm just as ugly on the inside as the outside. No doubt about that.
How do you rate inside beauty anyways? "I've seen the x-ray and you have a very beautiful liver and the ultrasound of you uterus... darling, it's simply gorgeous!"
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