Thursday 21 October 2010

No more TV for me.

Over the years I've become increasingly irritated over the commercials that's thrown at me when I turn the TV on. On some TV channels there are more commercials than actual programmes, and we're paying to see it.  That's the first thing that irritates me, I'm paying to see something but I still have to have my experience interrupted by commercials. Would people at the movies pay to see the movie if it was interrupted every 7 minutes to give place for 10 minutes of commercials? Don't think so. Would people buy DVDs if they had to endure commercials as they have to on TV. Don't think so. Still people pay to watch commercials on TV.

As if that's not enough there is also the message and "quality" of the commercials to consider.

A new study shows that 85% of the women feel insulted by the commercials that's aimed at them. It's really shocking. 15% of the women don't see anything wrong in how women are portrayed in commercials. That's only the commercials aimed at women mind you, the ones where women are ecstatic over a new washing detergent, devastated over split hair ends or where they can finally live a "normal" life because now they have  a new type of tampon.  

Commercials insult peoples intelligence, IMO. I can understand how children and daft adults don't see through the lies and deception that we are paying to see, but normal people know better. Don't they? Normal people makes up the majority of all people in the world so it would be fair to think that the majority of all viewers knows that it is nothing but lies that they are watching. Our clothes has become whiter than white and our dishes sparkling clean for decades and they are still getting "better". How is that even possible? Deodorants makes you irresistible to the opposite gender and toothpastes makes your teeth so white that no one can resist you when you smile. There is only one catch of course, you have to look like a model to begin with. No deodorant or toothpaste in the world will get you a date with a stunningly beautiful person if you are butt ugly and have an annoying personality. A ship load of money might do it, but deodorant and toothpaste? No.

And, since when is beetroot a natural ingredient in strawberry yoghurt?  Shouldn't it be natural to have strawberries in a strawberry yoghurt and beetroot in a beetroot yoghurt? The word "natural" still doesn't make it right.

We are paying to have strangers insult us in our own homes. It's absurd. We're also paying to have our relaxing TV watching experience cut up in little pieces. Sure you can go to the bathroom, make something to eat or even have quick sex during the interruption, but you don't get to pick when you want to do those things or if you really want to do them in 7 - 9 minute intervals.

So that's it. I'm done cursing in frustration. I'm becoming a pirate because I can get the TV shows I want to see on the Internet and 100% free from commercials. I can watch them when I want to and I decide when I want a pause if I want one. I would never pay to have some odd person come to my home and insult me several times per hour so why pay to be insulted by my TV? It makes no sense to me and I'm wondering why it took me so long to act on it.

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