Thursday 4 August 2011

Heroic Women

Two campers on the other side of the lake from the island of Utøya, where the Norwegian massacre happened, heard gunfire and screams while they were eating their supper. Without thought for their personal safety, they took their boat and crossed towards the firing. Bullets hit the boat, but they pulled the fleeing youngsters from the water and crossed back and forth repeatedly.
Source. Guardian UK.
Two women, two of many heroes that day. Why have I never heard of them before even though I've read all I can find on the topic? Probably because they are married. A lesbian couple don't fit the general idea of "heroes" and might even be too uncomfortable to speak of for some. Now the news is going viral. I hope that people one day will learn to understand a basic fact. People are people. No matter what your lifestyle is you'll always be just as human and humane as the next person.

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