Monday 23 May 2011


I went to school with “Miss Perfect”, as I assume many other do or did. That annoying twat that is the teacher’s pet, picked first in all activities and loves to point out her own greatness. Her family is deeply religious Christians, and she never missed a chance to tell “naughty” kids that they were going to hell. We grew older and the hormones struck. I still kicked they boys’ buts, but the motivation why I did it changed. They all flocked around Miss Perfect, like flies on shit, and I figured I could beat some sense into them.

Let’s stop here for a while. If you have a pretty girl in mind, then scratch that image. Miss Perfect had braces stuck to horse teeth and a mouth that spanned from ear to ear. Her eyes looked as if they were about to pop out, and she was cross-eyed. At the same time, she was nearsighted but refused to wear glasses. The later also turned her into a klutz since she did not see where she put her feet. She was the last girl in our class to grow boobs, and she never grew more than a B-cup. Her personality was no better. She was loud and so annoying that most people knew her as “the seagull”.

There were girls with greater boobs, and they were far more beautiful. I never understood why the boys were crazy about Miss Perfect. It could not be the sex either, since she was Christian and sex before marriage was a sin.

I did not stay in touch with the others from school once I left, but my mom works with her mom, and she has kept me updated. Miss Perfect married Mr. Perfect from the city, a rich guy. They had five kids and Miss Perfect started her own career, even though it meant spending weeks at the time away from the family. It was all sugar sweet.

Then the other day ... I bumped into a guy who happens to know Miss Perfect. A junkie. Not the type of person I would have thought knew her. He started telling me things about her that I just could not believe, but he pulled out his cell phone and showed me photos. Yeah, that’s Miss Perfect and she is a ... crack whore now. It turns out her “career” is an excuse her Perfect husband use to hide the disgrace. Her god will still not send her to hell because she does not cheat on her husband. How does that work? Oral. As long as her pussy is not for rent, her god will not mind at all.

Suddenly, it all makes sense to me.

Now girls, the moral of the story is: You don’t need big boobs, you don’t have to be pretty, and you don’t have to spread your legs to be popular. All you need is to give great blowjobs and keep on giving.

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