Monday 25 July 2011

Norway on my mind

It's been days and it's still just as unbelievable as when it happened. We've been talking to our Norwegian friends and are thankful that they and their families are not among the dead. But, it's still tragic and emotionally overwhelming. Among the worst things is the fact that Anders Behring Breivik doesn't see the killings as a criminal act. He sees himself as a hero that will go down in history for his great deed. It's sickening.

To further his delusions he also sees himself as a Knight Templar on a Holy Crusade. Though he's not that far off base there since they were racist killers too.

There is no punishment that will ever be good enough for a shit like this. Nothing the living can do to him will cover what he did to the victims, their families and the nation. There is one thing I hope for though, that they silence him. He did all of this to draw the attention to "his" manifesto and his ideas. It would be great if he never gets to spread it any further.

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