Tuesday 12 July 2011

What's that song?

I listen to al lot of music, almost 24/7. (Yes the music is going while I'm sleeping too.) The radio has a music channel that I often listen to, then there is YouTube, MySpace and Grooveshark. I also have a stack of MP3s that  friends have shared with me and the ever growing CD collection.

Now, here's the problem... I have this song in my mind. It keeps popping up but only a few tunes and a couple of words that might or might not be the lyrics. I've been looking for the song for days and I can't find it. The fact that it is so hard to find makes me think that it's by one of all the unsigned bands that I listen to online, but how do I find it?

It's ever so frustrating and every day that passes makes me even more obsessed. This might not end well... *sigh*

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