Tuesday 19 July 2011


Troll - Robin Benes
Being burntout and unable to do anything constructive with my time I spend a lot of time at Y!A. The place is just about as troll infested as a site can be and I find myself being sentimental. Remember in the olden days when the trolls were truly trolls? The whole point of trolling is to get away with it, not to scream; "Here look at me, I'm a troll damn it!". Trolling is truly "a art". Comparing the "olden day" trolls to the trolls today is like comparing an old time "gentleman thief" to a "smash and grab" today. The trolls of today lack skill and sophistication. As if that's not bad enough, you can actually troll the trolls and rail them up. Could it possibly get worse?

There was a troll once, back in the 90's, who I absolutely loved. He, lets call him Dick, had the ability to lead people on for days at a time. A classic being when he got his penis stuck in a pipe and needed help to get it out. People gave him good advice, women "mommied" him and the men felt sorry for him. Some people pointed and laughed and the others attacked them because it was not a funny situation and they should be ashamed of themselves for laughing. Dick played them all with great creativity and magnificent acting skills. He kept them up dated on the progress, whined about the pain and the shame and added twists to the story when the interest seemed to fade. A female friend tried to help him, in real life, and that made things worse since she was so sexy. Poor Mr Dick!

They simply don't make trolls like that anymore and it's a shame.

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